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Snoop, the application that will help you stay reminded, updated, and informed about your pet while away from them.

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Snoop Tab

Documents all activities of your pet. This page shows if the task is complete, has yet to be accomplished, or if it has any pictures, notes etc.

Checklist Tab

Customize your pet schedule so everything AND everyone is kept in check!

The Functions

Send note or a buzz.
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Send a photo update.
Remind you, or someone else.
Create your pet's team.

The Logo


The Research

While there are different types of pet owners they all have consistent concerns, each of them having different ways of dealing with the situation resulting to inconsistent results/updates, or just resigning to the lack of information about their pets while away.



  • Prior to leaving checklists on their minds prior to leaving ex: Checking stove, temp, doors, water bowls, snacks, etc.

  • Inventing of scenarios in pet owner’s head. ex: “Is my pet sad?”

  • Owners may feel like they are not doing enough/feel guilty about leaving.

  • Owners may feel less prone to going on trips/vacations without their pet/s.

the market

Our target users are pet owners who are tech-dependent. They usually have busy days ahead of them, but goes on trips to unwind, however not as much as they want to.

They share a common desire of making certain their pet gets the same quality of security, comfort, care, and schedule consistency while away - which tend to be hard when not under the owner’s control.

Creating The Flow

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Due to some feature prioritization, some features in this flow was put aside. 

Initial Prototype

Researching through interviews determined that there are three main features to be prioritized distributed through the two tabs: Checklist and Snoop
Checklist tab offers reminders and alarms for both owners and sitters/pet-carers.
Snoop tab offers “Timeline” (first priority feature) and “Camera” (secondary feature).

User Pivot

Users seem to be interested in coming back, mostly through the snoop function of the timeline. Adding the extra function of “check previous days” assures more usage and return.
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